Pikachu, the Pokedemon
Squirtle, the Pokedemon
Slowpoke, the Pokedemon
Bulbasaur, the Pokedemon
Pokedemon title
Terra Mater (Earth)
XIII. Death.
Water (Ab aqua silente cave)
«Time for harvest» book cover
Reforte apparel t-shirt design
Reforte apparel t-shirt design
Tibi et igni (Fire)
II. Antagonism.
Air (Usque ad extremum spiritum)
Magpie, the letterthief
Every sound is a part of silence
Codex Haruspex
Medusa Machine
Ex Libris / Midsummer night
Plague doctor 1619
Wonderwood typewriter
Wild free dead
II. Antagonism.

As above so below. «Theoretical part» ambigram.

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659 Просмотров
14 Январь 2016, 19:15
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