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Chapter 4
They caught a tram and it took them to the Digue, Ostend’s lengthy and imposing sea-wall-cum-esplanade, with its grand hotels and boarding-houses, dominated at one end by the vast oriental bulk of the Kursaal, with its domes and tall arched windows giving on to its gaming rooms, its ballroom and concert-hall, at the other extreme of the gentle curve of the promenade, sat the solid bulky presence of the Royal Palace Hotel.©William Boyd. Restless
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13 Ноябрь 2012, 19:28
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спасибо за плюсик!я очень люблю именно эту работу из всей серии)
рада, что понравилось!)
Мне очень приятно,спасибо)
Спасибо, Татьяна!)