Branding and character illustration
Halloween illustration pumpkin pie
Gamer starter pack illustration
Branding and character illustration
Halloween book cover / Season of the witch
NOSTALGIA PROJECT/ 90's kid bedroom
Branding and character illustration
Gamer starter pack illustration
Christmas / New Year postcard illustration
Logo / логотип
NOSTALGIA PROJECT/ 90's kid bedroom

Hey there! This project is inspired by the warm feeling of nostalgia. Remember when you were just a kid and you didn't have any adult problems?
It is also a personal project I created for someone special. So all the details represent what that person loved as a kid and still does. This is how for some of us our childhood bedroom looked like :)

I also imagine this could be a background art for a game or for a book. What do you think?

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45 Просмотров
5 Август 2024, 16:45
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