Inspiration from the works of Carl Jara
Inspiration from the works of Carl Jara
Inspiration from the works of Carl Jara
Inspiration from the works of Carl Jara
Inspiration from the works of Carl Jara
Inspiration from the works of Carl Jara
Inspiration from the works of Carl Jara
Inspiration from the works of Carl Jara
Inspiration from the works of Carl Jara
Cyberpunk in Russia
Cyberpunk in Russia
Cyberpunk in Russia
Cyberpunk in Russia
Cyberpunk in Russia
Cyberpunk in Russia
Cyberpunk in Russia

Digital painting is made by combining photos and vector graphics. At the beginning of work, I photographed glassware illuminated with multi-colored lamps. Then the photos were processed in a graphic program and elements of the composition were drawn on top of them using vector graphics. The pictures depict technological progress and the digital revolution. But the latest technology can not be implemented simultaneously everywhere. My works are devoted to the topic of contrast between the new and the old. I especially notice how advanced technologies coexist with devastation and poverty in my country.

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329 Просмотров
20 Октябрь 2019, 13:02
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