Alkitea. Concept art for shedu comics
Imp, Warcraft, WOW
 Mage of the moon.
Khaldi, God of Creature
#Khutuini Armenian God of War, (or victory)
Tobias-Sammet (Avantasia)
Septicflesh (Spiros Antoniou)
Amazon girl
Bsslshabel, character design for comics Urartu, Land Of God
Cover for comica " Urartu Land Of Gods "
Metro 2033 #Библиотекарь #vktalents_metro2033
Mage of the moon.

After 5 days you have a beautiful art on your hand.
photoshop, Mage of the moon. darck mage, game character, hill, magic, skepetr, moon, monn magic,

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