Webcomics "Paints for Flora". Episode 1
Webcomics "Paints for Flora". Episode 4
Webcomics "Paints for Flora". Episode 2
Webcomics "Paints for Flora". Episode
"The Чукотка"
"The mountains. Mountaineering."
 Webcomics "Paints for Flora". Episode 3
"Skogsrå 6"
Берсе́рк,/ берсе́ркер
Дух севера.
"Forest spirit"
"Forest spirit2"
Postcards "Happy Halloween"
Postcards "Happy Halloween"
Postcards "Happy Halloween"
Postcards "Happy Halloween"
Cyclamen drawing. Colour pencils.
The Witch on the Path
"Паночка (Вий)."
Gwent, Little flint girl
"Harry Potter"
Whisper of the wind.
Whisper of autumn.
Спящая царевна.
Открытка 1.
Открытка 4.
Открытка 2
Открытка 5.
Открытка 3
Blondie Girl.
Sketch. 2015
Sketch for the game. 2014
Sketch for the game. 2014
Mobile game interface. 2014
Gwent, Little flint girl

Little Flint Girlfrom from the Witcher 3! My submission for Gwent Art Contest. This character is found in the supplement "Blood and Wine", inhabiting the "Land of Fairy Tales". A little girl who influences the course of events and the fate of Sylvia Anna. And I think it deserves attention)

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13 Апрель 2018, 21:26
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