МК 7

Для «Сonceptis Puzzles» .....................
«……..Kat flipped the sign on the shop door to CLOSED. She walked over to the wall furthest from the door and pulled out a set of heavy wooden shutters. This ancient device ran in grooves along both floor and ceiling. As she pulled, it unfolded like a fan until it reached the other side of the room. Here she secured the shutters with two bolts against the opposite wall. ………………..

Now the shop's interior was completely shielded from the street outside. Kat clicked the headtorch on her head and switched the lamp to red. She didn't trust anything stronger - there were eyes everywhere. …………………………
She walked over to the counter, slid on a pair of latex gloves and examined the cardboard box on the counter. She didn't imagine the contents posed any physical threat, but her intuitions told her to be careful all the same. ……………..
The consignment details showed an origin in Gotthard. So far, so good. If the box contained what she hoped it did, then the safest place to store it would be a safety deposit box in the Swiss Alps.

She carefully unsealed the parcel with a boxcutter and opened the flaps. Inside was a square object covered in white crepe paper. She lifted it out and unwrapped the paper. Inside was a handwritten note and a small steel strongbox, the lid secured by a three-digit combination padlock.
She read the note: …………»

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7 Лайков1
299 Просмотров
6 Сентябрь 2021, 01:48
Комментарии 4

О, да тут целый альбом. Интересно разглядывать.😍😍

6 Сентябрь 2021, 14:03

Спасибо, Елена)

6 Сентябрь 2021, 15:18


17 Сентябрь 2021, 03:32

Виктория, спасибо))

17 Сентябрь 2021, 08:14

Только пользователи с премиум аккаунтом могут
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