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Skat Goodie
Афины, ГрецияНа сайте больше 6 летОб авторе
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Hello! Nice to see you there! My name is Skat and I go by the name "Skat Goodie" or "bobik_sdoh" around the interwebs. I would like to work as an illustator. Books, magasines. characters, sites, banners. Open for suggestions :) I'm working as a illusrator for 3 years already. I have professional
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Skat Goodie
Hello! Nice to see you there! My name is Skat and I go by the name "Skat Goodie" or "bobik_sdoh" around the interwebs. I would like to work as an illustator. Books, magasines. characters, sites, banners. Open for suggestions :) I'm working as a illusrator for 3 years already. I have professional