Lay Injustice on Your Head
The Whore of Babylon
après la guerre
Дама бубен
яблони в цвету
ex libris 2010
Epitome of Fortitude
hamlet 1
deep forest
oswald speedpainting
hamlet 4
hamlet 3 good night, sweet prince
les fleurs du mal
новогодние открытки
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elinor wylie - nadir
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elinor wylie - fire and sleet and candlelight
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Маяковский: Ночь 12-13
elinor wylie - nadir

If we must cheat ourselves with any dream,
Then let it be a dream of nobleness:
Since it is necessary to express
Gall from black grapes—to sew an endless seam
With a rusty needle—chase a spurious gleam
Narrowing to the nothing through the less—
Since life's no better than a bitter guess,
And love's a stranger—let us change the theme.

Let us at least pretend—it may be true—
That we can close our lips on poisonous
Dark wine diluted by the Stygean wave;
And let me dream sublimity in you,
And courage, liberal for the two of us:
Let us at least pretend we can be brave.

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902 Просмотра
9 Август 2013, 17:37
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22 Август 2013, 22:54

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