General of Cavalry, Russian Imperial Army 1914-17
an employee of the KGB Special Forces "Alpha" group
Russian Life Guards in the reign of Paul I.
box art for a large-scale figure
Обложка для книги
девушка санинструктор выносит раненого из под обстрела
Аватарка для VK
Officers of the Guards and 1st Army Garrison battalions and a non-commissioned officer of the Guards Garrison Battalion. Prussia in 1817
Cossack of the Don army
 Armée révolutionnaire française
Invalid of the first Guards invalid company, 1836-40
Пехота прусской армии №3
Пехота Прусской армии №2
Пехота прусской армии №1
Swiss Infantry Division, the Napoleonic Wars of 1813-14
General of Cavalry, Russian Imperial Army 1914-17
an employee of the KGB Special Forces "Alpha" group
Russian Life Guards in the reign of Paul I.
box art for a large-scale figure
Обложка для книги
девушка санинструктор выносит раненого из под обстрела
Аватарка для VK
Officers of the Guards and 1st Army Garrison battalions and a non-commissioned officer of the Guards Garrison Battalion. Prussia in 1817
Cossack of the Don army
 Armée révolutionnaire française
Invalid of the first Guards invalid company, 1836-40
Пехота прусской армии №3
Пехота Прусской армии №2
Пехота прусской армии №1
Officers of the Guards and 1st Army Garrison battalions and a non-commissioned officer of the Guards Garrison Battalion. Prussia in 1817

Illustration from the book "The Prussian Infantry 1808-40" by S. Lyulin

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21 Март 2025, 22:59
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Что у них всех с животами?

22 Март 2025, 16:18
Гусев Евгений

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23 Март 2025, 02:15

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