Athanasia (ART) - Who Made Me a Princess
tatto design: rose
Tatto design: Fortune and love favor the brave
tarot design: SUN
Tatto design: winged sword
tatto design: thanks to your words I bloom
tatto design: you hurt me with your words
Tatto design: you broke my wings
Three headed owl
Иллюстрация с японскими мотивами
Винные лошади (wine)
Strange deer and bird
Превращение в келпи
"Прости меня"
Дворф и его зверинец
Добрый дворф
Величественный Грифон
Грифон и колибри
Сайгак и колибри
Code 002
tatto design: rose

This tattoo design exudes power and symbolism. A rose piercing the skull reminds of strength and perseverance even in the most difficult life. Its graceful petals surround the broken skull, symbolizing the transition to preservation and rebirth after the confirmation of trials. This tattoo is a combination of the beauty of color and the strength of spirit, reminding us that even from the most painful moments, some beauty can emerge.

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1 Лайк
50 Просмотров
15 Июнь 2024, 14:14
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