Vicky and Mimi
Vicky and Mimi


For a couple of months of living in Russia, I realized something. There are countless fandoms here and almost everyone here is a member of at least two of them.
I stumbled upon the Romance Club by chance. (The game is only Russian, there is no English version here). With grief in half and a translator, I went through the first two seasons of the "Secret of Heaven" story. Despite the Russian language, Vicki has become my favorite (instantly 😅). It seems there are four seasons. I really hope that I will have a branch with Dino. I'm an angel and I don't like what Malbonte is doing there.

Here are two girlfriends whose relationship could be mistaken for a lesbian. I love them 💍. Vicky and Mimi

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27 Октябрь 2021, 16:46
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