Attack on Vega

This is Star Citizen fan art.

"We interrupt your spectrum programming for urgent breaking news. We have just learned of a major Vanduul raid in the Vega System.

Details are still coming in, but we have received early comms indicating that the Navy border fleet is currently engaged with a massive Vanduul force outside of Aremis’ orbit. No firm word yet on what could be heavy military and civilian losses.

To repeat, there has been a large-scale Vanduul incursion into the Vega System directly above Vega II. Not much is known at the moment; we have been trying to establish contact with our local affiliate but have had no success so far. We suspect that the array grid has been severely damaged in the fight."

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7 Лайков1
661 Просмотр
16 Февраль 2019, 21:29
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