
Для «Сonceptis Puzzles»...............................

"...Kat got up late, stowed the great wooden shutters, and flipped over the shop sign. Now, since the sun was nearly at its height, she dragged a small wooden table and two chairs onto the street outside the storefront. She went back into the shop and returned with a jug of lemonade and two glasses. She sat down and waited.

Today, the street had a new visitor: a slender young woman carrying a long plastic tube under her arm. From a distance, she was stylishly dressed. But as she drew closer, you might notice that the elbows of her jacket were threadbare, that her pants were beginning to fray at the ankle, that there were scuffs on her shoes which no amount of polish could disguise. Her eyes were fixed on the cobblestones, each footstep bringing with it a small shock of fatigue. ...

"Glass of lemonade?," a voice called out. Yuna looked up: a woman about her age, gesturing her to sit down..."

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175 Просмотров
25 Сентябрь 2021, 20:34
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