Магазин Кэт (4)

Для компании Сonceptis Puzzles


Maria stared at the hand. She became aware of her heart hammering in her chest. Everything about this situation was weird. Weird street. Shop full of weird things. And now this hand offered by weirdo who hides in the dark.
She took the hand. It was cool, almost unnaturally so, and the skin very soft like soap. The hand retreated into the gloom as quickly as it had appeared.
“Let me put the lights on back here,” said the voice. “Or you’ll think I’m some weirdo who hides in the dark.”
Maria just managed to compose her face before she heard a switch and a couple of table lamps came on.
Maria took in the scene. Kat was sitting at a counter, behind her a velvet red curtain. On the counter, a large metal spike held a pile of invoices and receipts. And there were books. Books about Area 51, pyramids, Stonehenge, myths and legends. Scraps of colored paper poked out from their pages. Maths books. A book called “How To Tell If Your Cat Is Trying To Kill You”. Scraps of paper with strange symbols scrawled on them.
On the floor, straw spilled out of packing crates. She glanced inside one of them. Oh God - were those shrunken heads?
"Sorry about the mess. Delivery day." Kat swept some papers onto the floor. "What was it you were looking for again?"
The emergency exit, thought Maria but instead she said, "Oh I’m just looking. I didn’t know you were here."
Kat tilted her head a little and lifted her shoulders as if to say, Yes - I'm here.
All too weird, thought Maria. "Well, thanks for letting me look round. I'll be -"
"Can you help me?" interrupted Kat. She slid an open book across the counter and turned it to face Maria. "I'm stuck."
"What is it," said Maria, intrigued. She stepped closer. "Ah. Sudoku. Sure, I can help you." ..."


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309 Просмотров
14 Июль 2021, 04:38
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17 Август 2021, 20:22


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