Ethics code (визуализация ролика по корпоративной этике )

91 200 руб.
 / за проект

Нарисовать и анимировать ролик по корпоративной этике.

Дедлайн первого ролика: январь 2017

Бриф проекта:


5 cartoons about ethical and professional principals of AGL group, which we demonstrate through negative performances of negative characters.


The story tells how Aliens have almost invaded AGL Group. These Aliens were workers who have different ethical spirit professional principles. Since the invasion was secret, the video would describe how the real AGL workers were detecting differences in everyday work situations and finally created the instrument for fighting against Aliens. It was the AGL CODE.


Average timing of a video - 60 seconds.

Deadline for the first cartoon to be ready – January 2017

5 sec test video is required 

 Feel, Mood & Style

These stories should be funny, bold and even brutal sometimes.

Our main reference


We need background music and sound effects.

Voiceover can be both male and female. The most important that a narrator should be very artistic to catch the spirit of the each story.

General task

Create and provide all the sound and voice over part.

Important. We need a professional with appropriate skills and sense of humor that can create illustrations in a given style.

First scenario

Scenario #1 BE HONEST

Voiceover 1 


Hello, newbie! Or probably you are an old-timer, or a guest or even a client! Anyway, we are happy to welcome you here in AGL group, about which you are going to find out a few important things.

You have probably heard that we are experienced and a big group of companies with many employees that have to be on the same wavelength... Because once we have noticed that it was in another way. Moreover, we noticed workers with alien ethical and professional principles that act weirdly… 

Frame description 1 


We see a big panda (costumed character) that is welcoming us in the AGL office.

Then panda’s costume is unzipped (from the inside) and a man in a business suit gets out from the panda.

While he is walking in the office and saying voiceover text to the viewers he gets into the mass of employees, takes his human costume off and so the Alien appears. Nobody pays attention to him, he grows and goes out of the frame.

Voiceover 2 

Years ago we had such a smart, progressive, active colleague. Way to active, I would say. Especially with clients.

Frame description 2 

A group of managers is on their way to meeting with a client but an Alien (monster who pretends an office worker) leaves them behind, eats the directional signs and turns into a security man on the reception who misleads the managers.

Voiceover 3

He loved to hold private meetings with them, loved to offer our clients more than we would like him to do. 

Frame description 3

The Alien meets clients and shows them a way to a secret meeting room – he pushes away a wall painting and respectfully invites the clients to сome in. They hesitantly exchange glances. The Alien gets tired of waiting, grabs clients with his tail and pulls them to the meeting.

Voiceover 4

So it came out, while we all had been working for our common business he pulled a double for his own secret project.

He, if you pardon my expression, used up his work position in a very bad way.

And the funniest is that he even didn`t feel guilty. Okay! He is not the first in our group who set up own business. 

Frame description 4

The Alien takes his skin off: he gets out of his previous body and makes it a puppet (attach ropes to it). He secretly puts the puppet to an internal work meeting instead of himself. Meanwhile, the Alien put a sign on a door “Alien`s Corporation”.

Once the Alien pulls the ropes too active so the puppet starts to dance suddenly. All the colleagues at the meeting smell a rat, they look very precisely at the dancer and find out ropes. They follow the ropes and find Alien in the process of negotiation with clients – a leg of one client sticks out from Alien mouth, another one is frightened to death are shaking on the chair. The Alien is angry, he complains - who the hell dare to interrupt him?!

Voiceover 5

But he is the first who did it dishonestly. And that is the very important difference, buddy. All other just came and put all their cards on table. We support them because we pull for business. Entrepreneurship is one of group values. We even have here a special startup incubator.

Frame description 5

Colleagues turn a chair with Alien in another way and show him AGL incubator space, where all walls become transparent. Doors of the incubator open and a man in a сape (just like exhibitionist) appears in its doorway. The man opens wide his cape but he is dressed and on lining of his cape the titers appears:

Voiceover 6

So the conclusion it is not enough to be a professional, you also have to be an honest one. To have clean conscience and reputation. 

Frame description 6

“BE HONEST includes more than just telling the truth. It means an ability to make important information visible and heard“.

The rest of scenarios will be provided in the same form.


Комментарии 4

Шо? Простите..

15 Декабрь 2016, 17:05

Здравствуйте, Людмила! Если работа еще актуальна, готова обсудить. На страничке есть ссылка на портфолио и контакты

17 Декабрь 2016, 08:51


17 Декабрь 2016, 13:52

Здравствуйте. Рисую анимационные ролики в разных стилях.

23 Декабрь 2016, 21:11

Только пользователи с премиум аккаунтом могут
отправлять сообщения заказчику