logotype Purpur Natur
Greek tzatziki or turkish cacik
The packaging of chocolate "Chocolate city"
Wedding invitation and RSVP
The gift-calligraphy for my friend
Packaging of chocolate "MarSo"
Packaging of chocolate "MarSo"
Элементы стиля для MLM-Leader 2010
Концепт упаковок влажных салфеток
Баннер для сайта vkusoff.com
Watercolor logotype "BoBoKo"
Diploma and character for dog show
Watercolor logotype for blog
Calligraphy "Redist", "Bitcoin" and "BTC"
Comics for presentation of radio card
Watercolor illustrations of family portraits.
All you need is love. Fraktur. Gothic.
Anything is good if it's made of chocolate.
Evening mandala calligraphy. Gothic: bastard, rotunda and fraktur.
Lettering for poster about chocolate
Watercolor illustrations for Jewish catalogue
Lettering "Happy Easter"!
Watercolor illustration for packaging of balms
Brand design: logo "Join Oscar's club"
Watercolor illustration of tulip and calligraphy.
Label for Italian wine "Melissa"
Enjoy it all
Diploma and character for dog show

I made character for new diploma for dog show of welsh corgi

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354 Просмотра
3 Апрель 2018, 16:34
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