
… “Nope. Drew him from memory,” Yuna’s mood lightened up as she bent over the canvas squinting at it. “Bumped into him in a coffee place. Not too far from here, matter of fact.”
“No way! And?”
“And nothing. He wasn’t too coherent, if memory serves. Ranted about telling me the whereabouts of the land of Atlantis (or any other unsolved mystery. P.L) if I go out with him! What a weirdo!”
“What?! Wait. That’s precisely what he kept gabbling about when we were together! The mystery of Atlantis passed down to him by the generations of his seafaring ancestors. And now you saunter into my shop with the image of that maniac rolled up in your tube? A coincidence? I don’t think so. … Let me make a nice cup of peppermint tea with wildflower honey for your cold and then you’ll dish on that bizzarro I had the good sense to walk out on. But Yuna, I need every little detail, please!”… … …

………….“Not much to tell, I’m afraid,” Yuna uttered, pausing between little sips of hot peppermint tea she was taking from a China teacup. ”What strikes you about him like a ton of bricks is his overbearing arrogance. You don’t have to be a licensed analyst to note that superior attitude in his body language. So what if you supposedly come from 17th Century pirates who lorded it over the High Seas. Get off your high horse, Captain Kidd Junior! And wipe that smirk off your face while you’re at it!”…
“Yep. He sure went on and on about it at the café too. Until I cut him off saying I had to meet some friends. Though I think he mentioned the Black Sea. But you said Theo? The treasure hunter guy introduced himself as Rick!”
……… Suddenly, a rap on the door interrupted the young ladies’ heart-to-heart. It was Kat’s neighbor Lilias, a tentative smile lighting up her wrinkled face, the Cup of Justice pressed firmly to her chest.

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21 Ноябрь 2021, 21:25
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Классный альбом.👍

23 Ноябрь 2021, 14:58
Елена Крестникова


23 Ноябрь 2021, 15:36

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